Remember Nepal for more than just a hike and a holiday

The Summit Adventures experience is built around personal connection - being guided on a unique trip by real, unpackaged human beings who bridge the gap between your home and Nepal. 

Not only does Summit offer fully organised and guided hiking treks amid the highest mountains in the world, we also provide the opportunity for human connection and meaningful service with our trusted partners.

Meet some of our trusted partners…


Sunsar Maya

Sunsar Maya provides educational opportunities to better the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children in Nepal. Children living in orphanages often spend their days between rote learning at school and institutional homes with little stimulation or adult interaction. The Sunsar Maya After-School Program is a first of its kind in Nepal, providing tutoring, art and music classes, health check-ups, and daily nutritious meals with the goal of providing a safe, creative, loving environment.

Sunsar Maya also runs a programme called Suma Women’s Literary. Nepal’s adult literacy rate is only 65%, so SuMa Women's Literacy was created to provide caregivers and mothers with the skills they need to better their lives and the lives of their children. The service aims to build participant’s reading, math, and life skills. Additional components of the program include workshops on women’s health, early child development, and entrepreneurship.

As part of your adventure with Summit you will have the opportunity to visit these programmes and be involved in a cultural exchange.


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Curry Without Worry Kathmandu

Curry Without Worry offers one night a week to the homeless and hungry people of Kathmandu when they can eat as much curry as they like without any worry. Every Tuesday, Curry Without Worry feeds anyone who asks for a healthy sumptuous vegetarian meal consisting of rice, poori, mixed vegetables, mixed bean curry and tomato pickle. A dedicated team of volunteers come together to prepare and cook at a kitchen located at Paropakar Orphanage; Bhimsensthan. They then serve and feed about 300 hungry souls of Kathmandu at the world heritage site Durbar Square, all for the small cost of approximately NZD$300. Curry Without Worry is a registered non-profit organisation which works alongside the principle and mission of Curry Without Worry San Francisco.

As part of your adventure with Summit you will have the opportunity to cook for the homeless of Kathmandu and serve up at Curry Without Worry.


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In Giving We Receive (IGWR)

IGWR is a registered Australian charity. With generous support from sponsors IGWR is making a real difference in Nepal by providing children with the opportunity of education so they can create real possibilities for their future. This is achieved through IGWR’s projects:

IGWR Family Houses: Homes to 30 children who are unable to live with their own families for various reasons. The children in these homes have made new family within the IGWR Family Houses and they are very much at home there.

Rural School Infrastructure: IGWR has built classrooms, hired teachers, built toilets and provided teacher training programs at three rural schools. These projects significantly improve the facilities of some of the poorest schools.

Education Sponsorship: Children are educated through primary school to university and beyond by generous IGWR sponsors.

As part of your adventure with Summit you will have the opportunity to meet the children and teenagers of IGWR as well as be involved in a service experience for one of the rural projects.